Monday, March 28, 2005

A couple of weeks ago, I went to the British Museum in London with a companion. Amongst all this history and incredible examples of international cultures, all I could take pictures of were some plates, a few pieces of Chinese crockery, a board game, and, erm, something unidentifiable at this juncture. You think I'm joking? I am, but if you think I'm lying, then I posted some evidence below to show I'm not.

It looks like the runway for some fleas, or possibly a great place for ants to have a marketplace, but actually, it's neither of these. It's... something else. Shocking, I know. Posted by Hello

A large Chinese vase from a long, long time ago. If you came here for technical details of this stuff, I hope you've learnt your lesson. Posted by Hello

An old Chinese, erm, object, looking much prettier with the effect of lacquer. Whatever it is. (I tried to find out, but couldn't, even after reading about it. There's always a first). Posted by Hello

Lacquer, whatever it is, does create a wonderful effect for any material. Posted by Hello

Board games based on mathematicians have always been a favourite of mine, though I never realised this as I never saw one until I saw this. Posted by Hello

These plates look are very similar to the ones at home, but -- crucial difference! -- they're not ours. They're copies that are much older. Goddamn pirates. Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 06, 2005

A tree looking not just tree-like, but snowy-tree-like, which is much more life-affirming. Posted by Hello

Yet Another Picture of Snow and Things Covered in It. Yes. Posted by Hello

Snow picture 4.5 [minimal boringness avoidance strategy activated] Posted by Hello

Snow picture 3 Posted by Hello

Snow picture 2 Posted by Hello

Snow picture 1 Posted by Hello

A melancholy, thoughtful, Pulitzer-prize-winning photo of the bus ride away from the Venetian Republic's capital... damnit, I've forgotten what it's called. Ah, yes, that's right: Venezia! Bella, bella! Posted by Hello

Apparently, this is the apparatus for the local electioneering. Don't ask, because I don't know. Obviously. Some blog-readers nowadays... Not like the good ol' days when they had to be done on typewriters. Posted by Hello

A boat! Posted by Hello

Two ACTs (maybe [perhaps]). Posted by Hello

The local well. Posted by Hello

Another flipping bridge. Posted by Hello

How the Venetian plebs live 180 degrees away. Posted by Hello

How the Venetian plebs live. Posted by Hello

Minaret / beautiful alien communication tower (ACT). Posted by Hello

Venice street. Posted by Hello

Curious shop window. Posted by Hello

Italians walking lemmingly into a poisonous blue log-monster [I had to stop being boring some time]. Posted by Hello

Some nice building. Posted by Hello